
"Purpose - Volume I" was a 2018 Readers' Favorite Finalist in the Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural genre 2018 … Read More about Awards
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Being Present To Those Who Are Grieving or In Pain
By Noura. Follow: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Photo by Zac Durant . It’s during our darkest times that we can discover how truly amazing the people in our lives can be. Grief is deep sorrow which is a response to the loss of someone or something we care about. We sometimes think of grief in relation to the death of a loved one. However the spectrum within which we can experience grief … [Read More...] about Being Present To Those Who Are Grieving or In Pain

The Challenges of Emotional Burn Out
By Noura. Follow: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Photo by Amir Geshani. The inspiration for this article was the following conversation I had with someone on Twitter about a tweet I posted: Tweet: Non-judgment has a loving quality to it that says “I see you”. What does non- judgment mean to you? Here is his first response: Being honest, it's the only way you can be. My … [Read More...] about The Challenges of Emotional Burn Out

The Source of Joy
By Noura. Follow: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Photo by Tim Mossholder. Joy is the state of mind that remains when there’s no fear or suffering. Sometimes, joy shows up in our lives in the most unexpected ways. I always remember that night when I was working on a project that involved a lot of numbers and calculations for which I was using an excel spreadsheet. I had been working on it … [Read More...] about The Source of Joy

The Foundation of Integrity And The Courage To Be Honest – The Empty Pot By Demi
By Noura. Follow: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Photo by Jon Tyson. Recently, a friend requested my feedback on a children’s book. She had read it to a friend along with one of my quotes below: The Abundance of Emptiness - Emptying our minds frees us to hear better what’s going on around us, including what’s going on in our bodies. This emptiness enriches our lives, not in knowledge, … [Read More...] about The Foundation of Integrity And The Courage To Be Honest – The Empty Pot By Demi

The Purpose and Meaning of Meditation
By Noura. Follow: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Photo by Natalia Figueredo. Meditation is the art of living with what is, without condemnation, judgments, fragmentation, or covering it up with ideals. When we see directly without the screen of our judgments, we don’t compare or fragment. We can then understand totally because we give our total attention. We see the whole picture, and we see … [Read More...] about The Purpose and Meaning of Meditation